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Web Application and API Protection

When a WAF is deployed in front of a web application, it creates a barrier between the web application and the Internet. While a proxy server protects the identity of a client machine by using an intermediary, a WAF is a type of reverse-proxy that protects the server from exposure by requiring clients to pass through the WAF before reaching the server. It’s Web applications are typically protected from attacks such as cross-site forgery, cross-site scripting (XSS), file inclusion, and SQL injection, among others. A WAF is a protocol layer 7 (in the OSI model) defence that is not intended to defend against all types of attacks. This method of attack mitigation is typically part of a suite of tools that together form a comprehensive defence against a variety of attack vectors.

Protect and accelerate your enterprise websites, apps, and teams is the foundation of our advanced application security portfolio, protecting applications and APIs from DDoS attacks, keeping bots at bay, detecting anomalies and malicious payloads, and monitoring for browser supply chain attacks.

Network-Based, Host-Based, & Cloud-Based WAFs

  • In most cases, a network-based WAF is hardware-based. Because they are installed locally, they reduce latency; however, network-based WAFs are the most expensive option and necessitate the storage and maintenance of physical equipment.
  • A host-based WAF can be fully integrated into the software of an application. This solution is less expensive and more customizable than a network-based WAF. A host-based WAF's disadvantages include the use of local server resources, implementation complexity, and maintenance costs. These components usually necessitate engineering time and can be costly.
  • Cloud-based WAFs provide an affordable and simple to implement option; they typically provide a turnkey installation that is as simple as a DNS change to redirect traffic. Cloud-based WAFs also have a low upfront cost because users pay for security as a service on a monthly or annual basis. Cloud-based WAFs can also provide a solution that is constantly updated to protect against the most recent threats with no additional work or cost on the user's part. The disadvantage of a cloud-based WAF is that users delegate responsibility to a third party, so some features of the WAF may be opaque to them. (One type of cloud firewall is a cloud-based WAF; learn more about cloud firewalls.)
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email and collaboration

Layered Security Model of WAF

  • Whitelisting model: In this model, the WAF firewall is set to allow only pre-approved traffic that meets specific criteria. This model is best suited for use on internal networks with a small number of users (for instance, employees). This is because, when used on public websites and applications, whitelisting can also block legitimate requests and traffic.
  • Blacklisting model: The WAF firewall is configured to use pre-set signatures to prevent known vulnerabilities, attack signatures, and malicious actors from accessing the web application or server. This security model is best suited for public internet web applications because legitimate requests can also come from unfamiliar client machines. However, this model is ineffective against zero-day attacks.
  • Hybrid model: The WAF firewall is configured to include whitelisting and blacklisting methods based on the application's specific needs. It is suitable for both internal and public networks.

Advantages of Web Application Firewall Protection & Security

VAPT is commonly used to actively strengthen an organization's security posture. This method makes it easier to provide clear and specific "early warning signals" about the applications, systems, and network. In other words, infrastructure flaws are identified before they can be exploited by intruders and malicious insiders. Other advantages include the ability to:

  • Adaptive protections - Pushes the most recent security updates to your apps and APIs automatically and effortlessly.
  • Advanced API discovery - Manage the risk of new or previously unknown APIs while keeping an eye out for malicious payloads.
  • DevOps integration - Manage using a simple, user-friendly GUI, our Terraform provider, APIs.
  • Deep attack visibility - Custom dashboards, real-time alerts, and SIEM integration aid in the investigation and triaging of attacks.
  • Fast onboarding - The new wizard simplifies the integration and configuration process.
  • Advanced security Management - Advanced controls with greater configuration and automation flexibility are available as an option.
  • Managed Services - Transfer or supplement management, monitoring, and threat mitigation to our round-the-clock team.
  • Bot mitigation - Detect and mitigate unwanted bot activity before it grows into a larger, more complex issue.
  • DDoS protection - Drop network-layer DDoS attacks immediately. Respond in seconds to application-layer attacks.

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